Camp Rock 2 Guitar Groovin 101

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Camp Rock Guitar Groovin 101 Game

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Camp Rock Groovin 101

Today was good.
Really, good.
In P.E. we had our push up test.
I thought i would get like two, but to my surprise i got nine!
I know that may seem little for some people, but that's so good for me.
For my T.A. class all i did was pass out paper, my arm was cramping by the end of the period.
In math, I heard the glorious news that if I get in all my homework in, my math grade for the 3rd quarter progress report would be a A, currently I have 3/8 done, thank goodness it's due thursday.
H.I.D still doing station work.
Lunch was alright, same as always.
Went back to H.I.D and changed stations.
I really liked the one i worked on today.
It was about Tiger Extinction.
My group was debating on whether or not you'd hunt tigers for the money if you were poor, obviously all the guys said yes, all the girls said no. So it was two to four.
Seriously though, who would do that, Siberian Tigers are afraid of humans, they would never hurt you, so why hurt them? It's just wrong.
Well enough about that.
Science, was alright, we were the only class to have all kids bring their books.
Read and did a worksheet.
Then came time for homeroom, I actually worked on some homework, which is surprising.
Afterwards on the bus, Bovie and I talked about the JB 3D movie.
When i got home my mother was awake, which shocked me since she's always asleep when i get home, i talked to her about the day, while we watched a movie about people that sell babies on Lifetime. I was about to cry, it was so sad. Leave it up to Mom to find all the sad, sappy movies ahah.
Went upstairs and cleaned up my room.
I decided that i should wash my bedding.
Vacuumed and dusted everything.
I was in a cleaning mood, which is rare so i tried to work as fast as possible before i got bored of it.
Today was my brother's 19th birthday so my Mom cooked Pancit.
(if you eat noodles on your birthday, it supposed to make you live a longer life)
After we ate we called him to wish him a happy birthday because he's at college right now.
Proceeded to clean my room
and finally went downstairs to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy
watched Secret Life of the American Teenager! AMY'S KEEPING THE BABY!
and then HEROES!
Did some homework
and now typing this.
i think it's time for bed.
loveeeeee youuuu,
Jazzy Rae.