Ck2 Remove Kinslayer

This page lists the codes that may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window that may be accessed on non-ironman games whilst in debug mode by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§, , ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based upon keyboard layout).

  1. I love the CK2 forum titles around here I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I thought you could get the Pope to remove Kinslayer.if you're Catholic anyways. If not, you could always have your character to lead an army into battle and hope he slips on a rock or something.or remove your spymaster and get assassinated.
  2. Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics. Every character in Crusader Kings II has traits, usually several. A person can only have one educational trait (traits 1 - 20), and gets this upon their coming of age (age 16). The Age the character editor to assure balanced customized characters.
Aug 22, 2017 · So, there is an event in CK2 were you hear the voice of Jesus. In this event temple vassle opinion is -30. But when the event is over you get +20 martial as a modifier.. Jun 13, 2020 · Ambition opinion is also active against a liege while a character is plotting to fabricate a claim on their liege's title. If a vassal is '-25 Ambitious' toward their liege and shows no reason to be, they are probably using this plot. Modding . Modifiers#Opinion_modifier_types for opinion effects of traits, character modifiers, artifacts Crusader Kings II, on the other hand, has received by far the smoothest launch of any Paradox game to date, and received almost universal acclaim from the fans. The Sims 4 Remove Trait Cheat. 02 февраля 2016г. Crusader Kings 2 ALL CHEATS - Free download as Text File (. 16 CE Version : 6.

Traits play a crucial role in Crusador Kings 3, the grand strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox Development Studio. Notably, you can gain and lose Traits in various ways in CK 3. There is one way in which you can use two particular console commands to quickly add or remove traits in Crusader Kings 3. The only aim about this guide is to provide a list of Trait IDs that you can use with these commands in the game.

Before revealing the list of CK3 trait IDs, let me tell you that these must be used alongside the add_trait and remove_trait console commands. In order to enter these console commands, players need to open Crusader Kings 3 in debug mode and then access the console window.


Also Read | How To Enable Cheats And Console Commands In Crusader Kings 3

After accessing the console window, players can use one of the CK3 Console commands followed by the trait IDs mentioned below to make immediate changes to their leaders in Crusader Kings 3.

Crusader Kings 3 Trait IDs

Ck2 Remove Kinslayer Console

Education Traits

Ck2 remove kinslayer event
  • Intrigue: education_intrigue_1 | education_intrigue_2 | education_intrigue_3 | education_intrigue_4
  • Diplomacy: education_diplomacy_1 | education_diplomacy_2 | education_diplomacy_3 | education_diplomacy_4
  • Stewardship: education_stewardship_1 | education_stewardship_2 | education_stewardship_3 | education_stewardship_4
  • Martial: education_martial_1 | education_martial_2 | education_martial_3 | education_martial_4
  • Learning: education_learning_1 | education_learning_2 | education_learning_3 | education_learning_4
  • Prowess: education_martial_prowess_1 | education_martial_prowess_2 | education_martial_prowess_3 | education_martial_prowess_4

Personality Traits

  • Brave: brave
  • Calm: calm
  • Chaste: chaste
  • Content: content
  • Diligent: diligent
  • Fickle: fickle
  • Forgiving: forgiving
  • Generous: generous
  • Gregarious: gregarious
  • Honest: honest
  • Humble: humble
  • Just: just
  • Patient: patient
  • Temperate: temperate
  • Trusting: trusting
  • Zealous: zealous
  • Compassionate: compassionate
  • Lustful: lustful
  • Gluttonous: gluttonous
  • Greedy: greedy
  • Lazy: lazy
  • Wrathful: wrathful
  • Impatient: impatient
  • Arrogant: arrogant
  • Deceitful: deceitful
  • Craven: craven
  • Shy: shy
  • Ambitious: ambitious
  • Arbitrary: arbitrary
  • Cynical: cynical
  • Paranoid: paranoid
  • Callous: callous
  • Sadistic: sadistic
  • Stubborn: stubborn
  • Vengeful: vengeful

Congenital Traits

  • Melancholic: depressed_1 | depressed_genetic
  • Lunatic: lunatic_1 | lunatic_genetic
  • Possessed: possessed_1 | possessed_genetic
  • Fecund: fecund
  • Albino: albino
  • Lisping: lisping
  • Stuttering: stuttering
  • Pure-blooded: pure_blooded
  • Giant: giant
  • Scaly: scaly
  • Club-footed: clubfooted
  • Dwarf: dwarf
  • Hunchbacked: hunchbacked
  • Sterile: infertile
  • Wheezing: wheezing
  • Spindly: spindly
  • Bleeder: bleeder
  • Beauty: beauty_bad_1 | beauty_bad_2 | beauty_bad_3 | beauty_good_1 | beauty_good_2 | beauty_good_3
  • Intellect: intellect_bad_1 | intellect_bad_2 | intellect_bad_3 | intellect_good_1 | intellect_good_2 | intellect_good_3
  • Physique: physique_bad_1 | physique_bad_2 | physique_bad_3 | physique_good_1 | physique_good_2 | physique_good_3

Physical Traits

  • Shrewd: shrewd
  • Strong: strong
  • Scarred: scarred
  • Dull: dull
  • Weak: weak
  • One-Eyed: one_eyed
  • One-Legged: one_legged
  • Disfigured: disfigured
  • Eunuch: eunuch

Lifestyle Traits

  • August: august
  • Diplomat: diplomat
  • Gallant: gallant
  • Overseer: overseer
  • Strategist: strategist
  • Administrator: administrator
  • Architect: architect
  • Avaricious: avaricious
  • Schemer: schemer
  • Seducer: seducer
  • Torturer: torturer
  • Scholar: scholar
  • Theologian: theologian
  • Whole of Body: whole_of_body
  • Celibate: celibate
  • Family First: family_first
  • Herbalist: lifestyle_herbalist
  • Physician: physician_1 | physician_2 | physician_3
  • Blademaster: blademaster_1 | blademaster_2 | blademaster_3
  • Hunter: hunter_1 | hunter_2 | hunter_3
  • Mystic: mystic_1 | mystic_2 | mystic_3
  • Reveler: reveler_1 | reveler_2 | reveler_3

Commander Traits

Ck2 Remove Kinslayer Trait Console

  • Aggressive Attacker: aggressive_attacker
  • Flexible Leader: flexible_leader
  • Forder: forder
  • Holy Warrior: holy_warrior
  • Logistician: logistician
  • Military Engineer: military_engineer
  • Organizer: organizer
  • Reaver: reaver
  • Unyielding Defender: unyielding_defender
  • Cautious Leader: cautious_leader
  • Reckless: reckless
  • Forest Fighter: forest_fighter
  • Open Terrain Expert: open_terrain_expert
  • Rough Terrain Expert: rough_terrain_expert
  • Jungle Stalker: jungle_stalker

Criminal Traits

  • Adulterer: adulterer
  • Fornicator: fornicator
  • Deviant: deviant
  • Dynastic Kinslayer: kinslayer_1
  • Familial Kinslayer: kinslayer_2
  • Kinslayer: kinslayer_3
  • Incestuous: incestuous
  • Sodomite: sodomite
  • Witch: witch
  • Cannibal: cannibal
  • Excommunicated: excommunicated

Coping Mechanisms

  • Comfort Eater: comfort_eater
  • Contrite: contrite
  • Drunkard: drunkard
  • Flagellant: flagellant
  • Hashishiyah: hashishiyah
  • Improvident: improvident
  • Inappetetic: inappetetic
  • Irritable: irritable
  • Profligate: profligate
  • Rakish: rakish
  • Reclusive: reclusive
  • Athletic: athletic
  • Confider: confider
  • Journaller: journaller
  • Opium Addled: opium_addled
  • Henbane Addict: henbane_addict

Childhood Traits

  • Bossy: bossy
  • Charming: charming
  • Curious: curious
  • Pensive: pensive
  • Rowdy: rowdy

Health Traits

  • Wounded: wounded_1
  • Severely Injured: wounded_2
  • Brutally Mangled: wounded_3
  • Sickly: sickly
  • Impotent: impotent
  • Infirm: infirm
  • Incapable: incapable
  • Inbred: inbred
  • Maimed: maimed
  • Blind: blind
  • Ill: ill
  • Bubonic Plague: bubonic_plague
  • Cancer: cancer
  • Consumption: consumption
  • Great Pox: great_pox
  • Gout Ridden: gout_ridden
  • Leper: leper
  • Lover’s Pox: lovers_pox
  • Pneumonia: pneumonic
  • Smallpox: smallpox
  • Typhus: typhus

Dynasty Traits

  • Bastard: bastard
  • Bastard Founder: bastard_founder
  • Born in the Purple: born_in_the_purple
  • Child of Concubine/Consort: child_of_concubine
  • Denounced: denounced
  • Disinherited: disinherited
  • Disputed Heritage: disputed_heritage
  • Legitimized Bastard: legitimized_bastard
  • Reincarnation: reincarnation
  • Twin: twin
  • Wild Oat: wild_oat

Descendant Traits

  • Saoshyant: saoshyant
  • Sayyid: sayyid
  • Paragon: paragon
  • The Savior: savior

Other Traits

  • Adventurer: adventurer
  • Augustus: augustus
  • Berserker: berserker
  • Chakravarti: chakravarti
  • Crusader: crusader_king
  • Devoted: devoted
  • Greatest of Khans: greatest_of_khans
  • Heresiarch: heresiarch
  • Murderer: murderer
  • Order Member: order_member
  • Peasant Leader: peasant_leader
  • Pilgrim: pilgrim
  • Pregnant: pregnant
  • Saint: saint
  • Varangian: varangian
  • Warrior of the Faith: faith_warrior

Currently, Crusader Kings 3 is available for PC.